I shall provide the testing soon
About Oman Stroke Association (History and Activities: may be from Dr. Amal):
Oman Stroke Association was established in the year …….
The Association began with a membership of ….
Within a short span of years, the OSA was able to develop itself into an organization spearheading the cause of Stroke mitigation and prevention in Oman.
With its many activities including CME events, Conferences, and public awareness programs, it was able to contribute to several of its objectives in the field of Stroke.
The main contributions were:
- Conducting International Stroke Conference ……
- CME programs locally and in different districts of Oman
- Stroke Awareness Day events
- Development of protocols for Stroke unit based care
- ………….
Byelaws of Oman Stroke Society: (Link needed for OMAN Byelaws, and modifications for OSS to be summarized here) (Needs approval by OMA!)